What is the average salary of an Indian man?
The average salary of an Indian man depends on a variety of factors such as his educational qualifications, work experience, location, and the industry he works in. Generally, the salary levels in India are lower than the global average. According to the 2019-20 All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), the median monthly salary of a male graduate was ₹31,732. For post-graduates, the median salary was ₹47,936.

Why is living in Native American reservations so boring?
Living on Native American Reservations can be quite dull and boring as there are limited resources and opportunities for entertainment and growth. Reservation communities often lack access to basic necessities such as clean running water, electricity and even food. Furthermore, the remote locations of many reservations make it difficult to access larger cities with more job opportunities and services. Thus, the lack of resources and opportunities leads to boredom and despair for many living on reservations.

What is life like for Indian teenagers?
Life for Indian teenagers is diverse and complex. It is a period when they transition from childhood to adulthood, and face physical, social, and emotional changes. They are expected to balance academics and other activities such as sports and extracurriculars. Teenagers in India are also expected to start taking on more responsibilities within their families. Additionally, the media plays an important role in influencing their lives, particularly in terms of fashion, lifestyle, and trends. Keywords: Indian teenagers, transition, academics, activities, responsibilities, media.

What are the advantages of living in India over living in the U.S.?
India is a vibrant and diverse country with a rich cultural heritage. Living in India offers a variety of advantages over living in the United States. These include lower cost of living, access to a variety of cuisines, a culture of hospitality, easy access to health care, and a plethora of religious and spiritual sites. India is also a rapidly developing country, with a range of opportunities for business, science, and technology. Keywords: India, United States, cost of living, cuisines, hospitality, health care, religious sites, business, science, technology.